Empress Falls, Blue Mountains NSW
Empress Falls, Wentworth Falls NSW Australia
Sylvia Falls, Blue Mountains NSW, Waterfalls
Sylvia Falls, Wentworth Falls NSW Australia
Empress Falls, Blue Mountains NSW, Waterfall
Empress Falls, Wentworth Falls NSW Australia
Sylvia Falls, Blue Mountains NSW, Waterfall
Sylvia Falls, Wentworth Falls NSW Australia
Sylvia Falls, Blue Mountains NSW, Waterfall
Sylvia Falls, Wentworth Falls NSW Australia
These two waterfalls are approximately 100 metres from each other. It's a ten to fifteen minute walk from Conservation Hut at Wentworth Falls to reach Empress Falls but it is a steep decent to get there. Takes double that time to get back due to the steep incline but it is definitely worth the effort.

Contact me by email if you are interested in purchasing a print.
Email: ling.g@hotmail.com

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